Green Smoothie By Dr. Sonia Goel

Green Smoothie

Hello, My Dear Health Freaks!! I am Dr. Sonia Goel from Health First Kart and I am here again with an amazing smoothie recipe that I’ve been binge drinking a lot lately. It’s a “Green Smoothie”

And Trust me guys, it’s not at all gross or unappealing which we usually associate with any kind of greenness in our food. This smoothie is full of healthy nutrients, proteins, and deliciousness.

And these kind smoothies are very essential if you are following a detox diet. I’ve got many requests from my friends and colleagues about this smoothie recipe. And from people who are in the path of cleansing and detoxing their bodies. So, this is a great way to kick start it. 

For my detox green smoothie, you will need:
  • One Cup of Minced Spinach
  • Half a Cup of Mint Leaves
  • One and half a cup of Almond Milk
  • One Cup of Yoghurt
  • Two whole Banana
  • Two tablespoons of Vanilla Extract
For Garnish:
  • Chia Seeds
  • Sunflower Seeds
  • Pumpkin Seeds

Now, like always grab your high-speed blender and start adding your liquid ingredients as it helps to blend a little bit better. 
First add your one and half cup of almond milk, one large cup of yogurt, and vanilla extract. After you are done with your liquid ingredients start adding your solid ingredients like two bananas, one cup of spinach leaves and mint leaves. 

If you want your smoothie to be extra cold or a bit thick then you can add ice cubes in it. But this time I prefer would like to prefer it without the ice cubes.

So, once your smoothie is nice and blended you can go ahead and transfer it in a nice glass bowl or in any kind of utensils of your preference.

You can enjoy this recipe for breakfast or as a mid-afternoon snack. But either way, it is delicious.

Well, let me tell you a health fact that I started practicing recently and that is I try to incorporate in a daily smoothie in my diet. And it is really starting to make a difference in my energy levels and health in general. And this specific smoothie is very good for maintaining a blood sugar level throughout the day.

So, I recommend green smoothies to everyone.  It’s a very easy way to get more greens in your day without having to sit there and eat a whole salad or bowl of veggies. If you are not into salads or veggies then definitely try green smoothies. And trust me, after a week you’ll see the difference.

And that’s all. I hope you like my smoothie recipe. Hope you’ve enjoyed it as much as I did.

You can also check out my Chunky MonkeyTropical Pineapple, and the Black Plum smoothie.
Till then, take care and thrive.
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