Insomnia: Strategies to fall asleep fast

Insomnia: Strategies to fall asleep fast


Sleep Issues are becoming one of the greatest public health challenges. Most of the causes for lowering our productivity level is because of our prolonged sleep deprivation. In the name of chasing the opportunities in this fast world, most of us are losing our regular sleep. And because of this, a large number of the population is suffering from chronic illnesses like Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, and many cardiovascular ailments.

Sleeping Issues:

If you look at the epidemiological data, it is quite equal that short sleep is equal to a shorter life. Due to lack of sleep our brain build up a very toxic protein called beta-amyloid which is related to Alzheimer and if it doesn’t get released it demolishes our immune system. If you are not getting sufficient sleep, it activates stress chemistry that leads to cardiovascular disease and chances of the activation of oncogenes. You might also want to eat more if you are not getting sufficient sleep.

Insomnia- A common sleep disorder 

A very common sleeping disorder we generally see is Insomnia. One of the most common things I hear from my patients is their complaints about not being able to sleep.

Normally, Light supposes to wake you up in the morning and then when it gets dark its suppose to help you sleep and this is all controlled by a circadian rhythm. The region of our brain that controls this circadian rhythm called supra charismatic nuclei. This region of the brain is activated by the light and dark. So, when you are in the dark, it will trigger a hormone called melatonin, which in turn converts into serotonin which is a sleep hormone. And when a person suffers from insomnia, he or she lacks this hormone.

Another thing, a person that triggers this disease is vitamin B1. This vitamin makes us restless and causes a lot of nervous tension inside us. If you have elevated levels of these vitamins your body then you will not be able o wind up easily at night.

Now, you might have a brief idea of this common sleep disorder. And unfortunately, it is so common that this disorder remains undiagnosed throughout the patient’s lifetime.

Exercise and Meditation for treating Insomnia:

As I’ve mentioned above our sleep follows a 24-hour cycle called the circadian rhythm. Based on different cues and signals, this rhythm tells you when you need to go to bed and this is done by raising the body temperature.

Through the circadian cycle or body slowly increases in heat reaching its highest temperature at night right before sleep. This along with the lack of light signals the body to increase the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin. People struggling to sleep can use exercise as a way to actively increase the body temperature in hopes to drive the signal. Another by-product of exercising and burnout is raising the levels of adenosine, a chemical that is responsible to make you sleepy and tired. Yoga also works wonders.

Try doing Calming yoga poses like Uttanasana, Marjariasana, Badha Konasana, Viparita Karani,
Balasana, Shavasana.  Yoga is wonderful because it connects us to our breath. Try various deep breathing exercises for a restful sleep like Sama pranayama, Bhramari pranayama. Focussing on your breath is extremely powerful, it calms your mind and relaxes your nervous system. 

Food for getting a good sleep:

There a lot of different food which will help you to sleep better.

  • Almonds: Among this long list of food, most common is almonds. Almonds contain magnesium which is a key factor to relax and soothes muscles which will allow you to sleep better. Additionally, it has 7 g of protein per serving which helps to stabilize blood sugars.

  • Decaffeinated green tea is also a great way to promote good sleep. The decaffeinated version of green tea contains an amino acid called L- Theanine. L Theanine has been found to soothe and relax the body.   

  • Bananas: Banana contains an essential amino acid called Tryptophan. Tryptophan is an important precursor for the synthesis of serotonin and melatonin. And these two are very powerful hormones in regulating sleep pathways. Bananas also contain magnesium and potassium which helps in relaxing and soothing muscles.

  • Cherry Tart Juice: This is another food that can help you to sleep better. A study came out a few years ago which showed that Tart Cherry Juice contains Melatonin. And as I’ve told you about bananas, melatonin is the powerful hormone in sleep regulatory pathway. So intake of tart cherry juice can actually up your levels of melatonin.

Things you should avoid doing to get a better night sleep:

One of the biggest culprits of sleeping problems nowadays is staying up on your smartphone or other electronic devices. Research has shown that the blue light emitted from electronic screens delays the release of melatonin. So, switch off all your electronic devices a few hours before you go to bed.

Another thing to avoid before you go to bed is taking a large meal and avoid caffeine and other stimulants in the afternoon and the evening. Instead, try some light snack before bed.

Avoid sleeping too late and try to go to bed at the same time. Also, avoid napping in the day or keep it under 30 minutes. Go to bed with a happy note, do not watch something depressing or disturbing before bed.    

Natural Remedies for a good night sleep:

Creating a right ambiance in your bedroom can make all the difference when it comes to getting a good night sleep. Try to keep your space free from access clutter and mess and surround yourself with the things that you love.

  • Use salt lamps as a dim light source as they create a very calming environment and really help you relax. Salt lamps give off negative ions which can help to improve air quality leading to a better night sleep. 

  • Studies have found that in general, the optimal temperature for sleep is around 60- 67 degrees Fahrenheit. When you sleep your body’s internal temperature drops to it’s the lowest level. So, a cooler bedroom can help you fall asleep faster since it mimics your body’s natural temperature drop. Having a relaxing hot bath or shower before an hour or two before bed can also help you sleep.
  • Drinking herbal tea which contains sleep-promoting herbs like valerian root, passion flower, Chamomile, Lavender etc also helps to get a good sleep. It’s like relaxation in a cup.

  • Sents can also have a profound effect on our sleep. A good quality essential oils are extremely beneficial when it calms to calming down and falling asleep. Some of the nest essential oils for falling asleep are Lavender, Sandalwood, vanilla, Roman Camomile etc. So, put a few drops of them in a diffuser before going to bed and you will see how calm it’s aroma will be.

  • Sleeping in a dark quiet room is very important for a good night sleep and wearing a sleep mask can make all the differences. As I’ve told you in the introduction part that darkness triggers your body to produce melatonin. So, a sleep mask will shut out the light and make you fall asleep faster.

  • Sound Therapy: There are certain sounds that keep you awake at night but there are certain sounds that can help you fall asleep as well. The soothing sounds of nature are perfect for falling asleep. For example, sounds of ocean waves crashing, sounds of the river and the sound of rain. Some ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) videos can be quite relaxing to watch before you go to bed. You can even try experimenting with white noise, pink noise, and brown noise. These are sound signals which can help to mask background sounds that might prevent you from sleeping. They are basically a constant unchanging noise.
  • And while you are laying down listening to the sounds, you can also try some visualization exercises. Visualise a scene or story that you find relaxing. By doing so your tension will be so focussed on the details of the scene that you will eventually forget about your worries.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation:

And if you are still laying restless in bed you can also try a technique called Progressive Muscles Relaxation (PMR) where you tense and relax all the muscles in your body. Your focus will be on each muscle group on your body. You will have to tense your muscles for a few seconds and then slowly relax them.

And remember to breathe deeply as you do this. Start with your toes and work your way up to the entire body, all the way up to your forehead. As you are breathing deeply just imagine that you are breathing in the calmness and breathing out the stress. And when you are done you will feel so much more relaxed.

Try Positive Affirmations:

Our minds are incredibly powerful. So, try your best to replace your racing thoughts with calming positive affirmations. You can say them for yourself or listen to them in an audio recording. The affirmations will become more and more real, the more often you practice.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy:  

So, it is something in the extreme cases where you have to visit your psychiatrist for your sleep deprivation and insomnia issues. The treatment starts with a thorough assessment of the patient’s sleep history, medical history, psychosocial history and their current sleep problems. Then the CBT therapist will work with the patient to individualize the fore factor model as if what is this particular person’s predisposing factors that could lead to his or her problems. They are then provided with sleep restriction therapy and stimulus control therapy before getting into the actual treatment.



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